What's New in Radiant 0.6

by Sean Cribbs

You may have heard through the grapevine that Radiant 0.6 is to be released this Saturday. If not, here’s your notice!

UPDATE: OK, so we didn’t release yesterday. John and I were up late adding generators for extension models and controllers and trying to fix the fixtures issue. Hopefully we’ll release today (Sunday 4/22).

Since there are a lot of changes since the release of 0.5.2 (250+ commits), I will summarize them for you here. Most of the changes affect developers more than end-users, but there are still some major differences that could slip you up when upgrading or building a new site.

This is pretty long, so be prepared for a big read after the jump.

Changes for End Users and Site Managers




Radius Tags

Admin and Page-editing Interfaces


Changes for Developers

Systemic / Base




This is it! The Big One. If you want to change the way Radiant works, use an extension. I’ve detailed some aspects of extensions in my previous presentation, but here’s the nitty-gritty.

# app/models/hello_world_page.rb
  class HelloWorldPage < Page
    def render
      "Hello, world!"

# hello_world_extension.rb 
  def activate
  admin.tabs.add "Assets", "/admin/assets", :after => "Layouts"
  admin.tabs.add "Welcome", "/admin/help", :before => "Pages"
  admin.tabs.add "LDAP", "/admin/ldap" </code></pre>

Radius Tags

# app/models/hello_world_tags.rb
module HelloWorldTags
  include Radiant::Taggable

  tag "hello" do |tag|
    "Hello, world!"

# hello_world_extension.rb
  def activate
    Page.class_eval { include HelloWorldTags }


Last-minute stuff

The core team has also been given until Saturday to commit any last minute changes. I’ll add them below as they come up. I will not include updates to individual extensions, so you’ll have to follow those yourself. As Gabriel Lamounier always says in his emails to the list, “Be Radiant!”

UPDATE 4/25: Those are all the significant changes up to the tagging of the 0.6 release. I’m sure there will be bug fixes in the near future as they are revealed.

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